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mania ( psychiatric disorder)


Introduction of mania 

Mania is a psychological condition that causes a person to experience unreasonable euphoriaMania is a dangerous condition in which patient may not sleep &eat while in a manic episode. It is moody disorder.

Defination of mania 

Mania is a mood affective disorder , hyperactivity are present into the patient characterised by increase psychomotor activity , irritation or expensive behaviour.

Causes of mania

-: Stressful life events.
-: Using recreational drugs or alcohol.
-: Seasonal changes.
-: Changes in sleep patterns & lack of sleep.

Sign and symptoms of mania

-: Increase psychomotor activity.
-: Aggressiveness.
-: Pressure speak.
-: Speak are loudly.
-: Flight of idea.
-: Illogical thinking.
-: Loss of hunger.
-: Attention are distrub.
-: Improper judgement.
-: Loss of sleep.
-: Decrease the understanding level.
-: Irritability.
-: Expensive behaviour.
-: Increase the energy level.
-: Increase goal directed activity.
-: Patient feel hallucination.
-: Unrealistic plann regarding goal.
-: Frequently goal are charges.
-: Abnormal dressing sense.
-: Delusion of grandiosity.
-: Deattech with the reality.
-: Excessive good & bad emotions. ( cry &            laughing)

Stages of mania

Stage of mania also as affective symptoms of mania.

Stage of mania are divided into four (4) types according to severity of manic episode.

-: Stage  I    -  Euphoria
-: Stage II    -  Elatation
-: Stage III   -  Exaltation
-: Stage  IV - Ecstasy

(1) Stage I ( Euphoria) :- It is the first stage of manic episode in which starts and aries psychological well being and happiness with on going events.

(2) Stage II (Elatation) :- It is second stage of manic episode. Joy full moment are increase with psychomotor activity.

(3) Stage III (Exaltation) :-Increase the psychomotor activity with delusion of grandiosity.

(4) Stage IV (Ecstasy) :- Severe elevation of mood and Person are deattech with the reality and unaware about the Surrounding environment.

Management of mania

(1) Mood stabilizer drugs like____

- Lithium
- Lorazepam

(2) Psychotherapy____

- Aroma therapy.
- Individual support therapy.
- Relaxation therapy.
- CBT .

(3) Physical therapy______

If the patient behavior is more aggressive not controll by psychotherapy and drugs then some time electro convulsion therapy (ECT) are used. 

Nursing diagnosis of mania

  • Risk for injury related to hyperactivity.
  •  Impaired social interaction related to manic      behaviour.
  • Risk of violence related to manic episode.
  •  Impaired nutrition less than body recruitment related to refusal. 
  •  Disturbed sensory perception related to sleep    deprivation psychotic process. 
  • Disturbed thought processes related to psychotic process.  


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